Dr. Sharafudeen Naduvil Valappil
Funded By: - Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Science (KFAS)
Summary: - The project is on development of lanthanide-doped glasses and glass-ceramic layers for up and down conversion systems to enhance solar cell efficiency. Trivalent lanthanide (Ln3+) -doped glasses will be prepared by melt quenching technique. The precursor glasses are subjected to heat treatments near the crystallization peak for appropriate time to precipitate rare-earth doped fluoride nanocrystals in the glass. Thermal and structural studies are characterized through TGA/DTA, XRD and SEM analysis. FTIR and Raman studies are used to know the vibration bonds present in the glasses and glass-ceramics. Spectral properties like optical absorption, down/up conversion photoluminescence spectra and decay rates will be analyzed to know the excited state dynamics in Ln3+-doped glasses and glass-ceramics. Hence, the transparent, Ln3+-doped glasses and glass-ceramics are attractive systems as up- and down-converters to make use of maximum extent of solar energy and in turn to enhance the solar cell efficiency. We look forward to developing the next generation of promising photonic materials and propose for better solar cell technology,